
Ultimate ninja storm 3 vs revolution
Ultimate ninja storm 3 vs revolution

ultimate ninja storm 3 vs revolution ultimate ninja storm 3 vs revolution ultimate ninja storm 3 vs revolution

Some much needed tweaks and all the fan-service you can possibly cram into one game, however, make this the Naruto title to own and the most enjoyable title in the Storm series to date. No need for long time fans to worry, however, as this is still largely the same experience you have come to know over the past decade now. Thus, it is somewhat refreshing that Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution actually makes some fairly significant changes to the standard formula. Naruto has always been good at taking the previous game in the franchise, slapping a new coat of paint on it, and pretending it is totally a new game because, hey, we’re going to buy it anyway.

Ultimate ninja storm 3 vs revolution